Who says you are too short to model? America's Next Top Model is changing the game and for the first time in the history of fashion industry, petite aspiring models - 5'7" and under were given the chance to prove to the world that you are never too short to stand out and be on top.
I just finished watching the episodes in Youtube. I know, it was kinda late for me to watch this cycle.. ANTM even finished its cycle 14.. but this was kinda special to me cause somehow it gave me hope.. No, don't get me wrong here! I am not vying for the ANTM title. Yes, I've always wanted to model! In fact, it is my wildest dream to walk in the runway and be able to strut my stuff and model.. hehe But my point here is that this cycle has done something that at least made me proud of myself and I'm sure there are a lot of other girls who have dreams like mine that were proud of themselves too out of this show particularly this cycle. 'Cause in a way someone's going to represent those females all over the world who want to model but lost hope because they think they fall too short to be on top.
Ok! so much for that. Nicole who only stands 5'7" was this cycle's winner and I think that she totally deserved it. Somehow I can relate myself to her - her being different and awkward 'cause I got a lot of intimidating first impressions. Although, i don't consider myself a dork like her but I also have issues when it comes to talking to people. hehe I think that she was so impressive to be different but came out having lots of potential and she's even doing it effortlessly.
People may say that she doesn't have a personality but I think they're completely wrong. Being silent, different and awkward doesn't always mean you don't have a personality. Silent waters run very deep, baby and Nicole totally embodies that kind of individual. Now, look at what she's turned into - AMERICA's NEXT TOP Petite MODEL.
Here's the finale episode:
FINAL RUNWAY SHOW. It all boils down to the moment when Tyra reveals who will become America's Next Top Model. The 2 finalist - Nicole and Laura must pull out all the stops to impress the judges and nail their final CoverGirl commercial in Hawaii. They both did great especially Laura having to struggle from extreme dyslexia. They also did their final runway show featuring Julie Clancey's "glamorous and fun" designs.